As loving parents we are excited for our children to come to school and we are worried when they cry, complain and are upset when they arrive at AMCS.
Understand that this is very normal behavior. Here are some tips that will help you and your child make this transition more easily.
First of all, our teachers are prepared and knowledgeable in assisting children who are upset. We reassure them that their family will be back and that we understand they are sad. Then we help the child to become interested in some activities in the classroom. Usually it only takes a little while for an activity to catch their interest. The other children are quick to help comfort your child.
At home you can help your child by talking to them about how the day will go. Assure them that you will be back after school and will be happy to see them. It is important to recognize their feelings. For example, telling the child not to cry will usually make things worse. Try instead to say things like "I see that you are sad." or "It's hard to leave mom (or dad), isn't it?" When the child knows you understand it is very helpful.
Of course we feel some anxiety ourselves, so dealing with our own feelings so that the child doesn't pick up on our worries will make things easier.
Try not to ask a lot of questions about their day. One way to encourage sharing is to begin by telling your child about your day. Did you enjoy your work? Perhaps you spent some time with a friend or relative. It is fine to say how happy you are to see your son or daughter, however telling them you were sad and missed them terribly can create guilty feelings and an increased desire to not go to school. I remember my son's first day at Montessori. He was three. This was the first time he had been away all day and I was worried and a bit sad. As John was getting out of car he turned, waved and said "Don't worry Mom, I'll be fine" Sometimes our children pick up on our anxiety!
Make some plans for after school: a trip to the library or the park. Read a special book or just go for a walk together. And remember.....this period will pass and school will become the happy place you are wanting for your student.